Saturday, April 6, 2013

STOP! Take a moment…

If you read my blogs you know right now it has been awhile (at least I’m not annoying sending you stuff that you don’t read cause you don’t have time). If this is your first one, what the heck has taken you so long? Where have you been?

Ok…sorry for that small Dennis Miller rant…(not Rodman…Miller) – if you;re absolutely clueless about either, don’t worry, You'll still understand my message, which is...

Take a moment.

The minute you get done reading this I want you to take a moment to give a hug, make a call, send a text…show your preferred form of love for that one, two or many that mean something to you. That one person, group, or team that you would be lost without.

Sit for a bit and think about those who mean the most to you. I mean really THINK about them. Keep thinking. Pay attention to how you feel. Tears forming? Insides feeling warm? Heart beating a tab bit faster? When you are overcome with the joy of loving someone you know exactly what I am getting at.

And, now, for this second and the rest of the day be thankful for those who give you a reason…are there for you when you don’t ask, love you unconditionally and those you haven’t even met yet.

This one is for…

everyone that is reading and thinks that maybe…just perhaps, I would be typing in your name.  And, for the one I haven’t met yet…this one’s for you, Kailey.


  1. What a beautiful way to start this Saturday morning.

  2. You Rock Trudy. I think you are awesome and I like your book. Thanks for the call out and it was nice to meet you. Your Friend, Kailey (olymic gold medalist 2020).

    PS - If it was easy more boys would do it.

  3. Kailey,
    The pleasure was mine - see you on Thursday!
