Thursday, September 23, 2010

How Does Your Thought Garden Grow?

Many of you know I am in the middle of writing a book on the law of attraction which I have entitled In-Joy.

Just today, an excerpt of the book has been published on line as a short article entitled Your Thought Garden. Below are the first two paragraphs of the piece.

Your Thought Garden: “As more and more people begin to understand the power of their mind and how their thoughts manifest into reality, the greater the need to find ways to cultivate what they think about. The Law of Attraction clearly states what you think about you bring about. Yet, how can we control our thinking in such a manner that we will be able to clearly focus on attracting only what we want in life and steer clear of what we don't?

In order to help you with this concept, picture a garden. This garden has nothing planted in it yet: just rich, tilled soil ready for the seeds to be placed in the ground. Now imagine sectioning off your garden and placing markers in the dirt that are ready to be labeled. Consider this your Thought Garden.”

If this intrigues you, I would be honored if you let me know what you think by reading it in its entirety at

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Give Yourself a Standing Ovation!

Over the past few months I have been studying the behaviors of highly successful people and comparing them to those individuals that just can’t seem to find their way. The more I observed both groups the stronger I felt about one thing. We are the only one that can motivate ourselves. No one else can do the job for us. Our personal happiness lies within.

Now don’t get me wrong. I believe we can be influenced by outside forces. In fact I pride myself on living my life focused on being a positive influence to others. But I am only able to inspire someone. They then in turn self-motivate.

As I began to explore this notion of self-motivation, I realized something that very few of us have ever experienced…receiving a standing ovation. That particular sign of recognition is reserved for entertainers, athletes, and politicians. The common guy like you and me doesn’t seem to do anything worthy of such acknowledgment. It’s not that we don’t accomplish heroic deeds. I have many colleagues that save lives every day. I know tons of people that make a difference by simply sharing their smile with others.

The more I thought about this special method of recognizing great feats, the more I thought about internalizing the process. So I started to self-motivate by patting myself on the back for my accomplishments. Whether it is working with a client, presenting to a new audience, or finishing a great run, I stop for a moment and silently offer myself praise. I picture the standing ovation for a job well done. And, every time I do this, guess what happens? I smile. The very notion of receiving a standing ovation for my work, who I am, and what I stand for brings joy to me. It encourages me to keep going when I am not feeling so positive.

So, do yourself a favor. For the rest of this week, give yourself a standing ovation for the little things and the big things you do well. Then comment back on how many times you smiled in the process.