Friday, June 24, 2011

Cell Phone Protocol

Just how many cell phones are out there? The most recent statistics I could find are from a survey conducted in May, 2010 by CTIA, the International Association for the Wireless Telecommunication Industry. It stated that 91% of Americans use cell phones. That same year CBS News reported 4.6 billion users Worldwide. Considering this tool as our main means of communication I feel it is time to discuss cell phone protocol.

I will begin with ring tones. Have you ever thought what your selection choice says about you? By now we have heard phone devices alert us with songs, chimes, bird calls, drums, sirens and so on. What’s my point? Just remember the impression you give when your phone goes off in a meeting playing the theme song from The Lion King, Kanye West’ latest hit or an oldie but goodie from Madonna.

Next, shall we tackle voice messages? Keep them short; to the point and, for goodness sakes, speak clearly! You don’t need to open with “Hi, how are you?” because no one will be there to answer the question. If it isn't concise it will be deleted. And, make sure you repeat the phone number if it is different than the one appearing on the phone. By saying it slowly, you give us a chance to actually write it down.

Lastly, let’s debate “The Missed Call”. When I see a missed call, I think someone tried to reach me and changed their mind or accidentally dialed my number. When my 23 year old daughter, Emma, sees one, she calls the person back. She feels it takes place of a voice message. Let’s all get on the same page…a missed call is just that and requires no action. A voice message on the other hand is the signal that someone wants you for a reason.

What are your thoughts on Cell Phone protocol?