Friday, March 19, 2010

It's all in your attitude

Question for you.

Who are the people that you like to be around? You actually look forward to their call, smile when you see them, and find yourself invigorated when they are gone. Can you picture someone that seems to remove all of the negativity you may be feeling by simply their presence?

I bet I can predict one trait that the person you are thinking about has. It is a positive attitude.

These are the “glass half full” folks. They make “lemonade out of lemons”. They smile a lot, laugh easily, and seem to always be enjoying themselves.

How do they do it? Especially in today’s world. One would assume they have tons of money, great health and lots of love in their life. Yet, my guess is many carry around the same “junk” we all do. The thing that sets them apart is they have figured out one of the most important attributes possessed by all mankind.

It is the ability to control how they react to any situation. These people choose to look at the bright side of things. They find only the good in situations. They speak positive words, act in a positive manner, and focus on positive outcomes.

“Oh, but they aren’t realistic”, some say. It isn’t about facing the facts or denying the truth. It is the manner in which they mentally approach adversity as well as success. They realize that one of the things they have complete control of in their life is how they choose to react to any circumstance. They know the power of a positive attitude and its side effects.

How do they do it? Give this a try. For the next 24 hours do these three things:

1. Replace every pessimistic thought with a positive one

2. Do not speak negatively about anything or anyone. Compel yourself to say something good or nothing at all.

3. Steer clear of people that are depressing or complain. Instead reach out to the person you thought of at the beginning of this message.

Remember it’s all in your attitude and all within your control.


  1. Priceless advice. I'm sure you were on the list of many people. Many of whom may reach out to you today. Stay positive.

  2. Trudy, you were the first person I thought of! I look forward to every message and announcement, you are from this day forward "Truly Trudy" my positive attitude gal!

    I will work hard at this weeks task, I am still trying to improve my "finger Inward Ratio"


  3. Make People Better

  4. Trudy,
    I am lucky enough to live with one of these "people".
    Tim is always positive. He rubs off on everyone.
    He makes people smile. He lights up my life.
    I am blessed.

  5. Yes Trudy you are one of the 1st people I think of Tim is the other 1st. I want to grow up to be just like Tim....I am blessed to have both of you in my life!
