Friday, February 5, 2010

Diversity – Managing the Differences

Dr. Delores Smiley, Dean – Community Education and Diversity Affairs at Nova Southeastern University is a colleague that I have worked with in the past. She recently asked me: “Do diversity education and training enhance teacher preparedness and leadership skills?” Here is my response…

When it comes to leadership skills, I believe diversity no longer focuses on race, age or gender. It is simply acknowledging the differences between all human beings. Because, isn’t there something unique about every one of us that makes us all diverse?

A key ingredient in being a great leader is the ability to manage the difference of all employees. First, you need to know what your employees need from their job to accomplish their career and personal goals. Next, you need to understand the difference in how people learn, how they communicate, and what they expect from you as a leader.

The strongest teams of employees produce the greatest results when all members are given the opportunity to contribute as individuals. When each person is valued for who they are and a leader encourages individuality, managing the differences turns in to utilizing resources.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Trudy,

    It is so refreshing to communicate with someone who "gets" it!!! I so enjoyed, and agree with, your response. I think that when we allow ourselves to "see" the big picture, we are all in this society together and what works for the good of any segment of society has an affect on the rest of it. You have a model of success for moving diversity related concerns forward. Thanks and have a wonderful day.

