Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Enough is Enough!

I am so tired of dealing with people that say one thing and do another. Make commitments that they don’t keep. Offer something and then not follow up. I am so disgusted with this, that I am finally making a commitment to myself and all those reading this blog that for me “Enough is enough!”

I am no longer going to tolerate lack of responsiveness in others. I am going to call out people who tell me they will get back to me, give me a call or volunteer information only to never be heard from again. I am going to find someone else to buy from, sell to and work with.

My guess is if you are one of these people, you are not reading this blog. I bet those of you honoring me with your time are just as frustrated as I am. I imagine my followers are the exact opposite of those I described in the opening. In fact, let me speculate who you are as my reader.

You make promises and then keep them. You don’t need a signed agreement to stay true. Your word is far more valuable.

You offer great customer service. You look for ways to solve problems, overcome obstacles and value relationships.

You treat your employees like gold. People like to work for you and refer friends and family to you often.

You understand the importance of being on time, responding to emails in a suitable manner, and calling people back when you say you will. And, on those unforeseen circumstances that throw you off tract, you begin your communication with the words, “I am sorry.” You are quick to apologize for being delayed or the rare missed deadline.

Right now I imagine you are picturing those people that you cannot count on. Images of those who have let you down, given false promises, and continued on without any realization they are wrong. You know exactly who they are.

So, I ask you “How long will you continue to tolerate this disrespectful attitude?” When will you join me in saying “Enough is enough”?

Let us together dedicate ourselves to only associating with people that care, keep commitments, value honesty and integrity. Let’s walk away from people that do not have the same high standards as we do.

For once and for all – Enough is enough!


  1. Enough is enough...can we get an AMEN!

  2. Enough is enough! Way ahead of you sista! I have re-evaluated my surroundings and partnerships this past year. I want to only work with people of my caliber. Not saying I'm the sharpest tack in the box or I don't make mistakes, but here I am at 9:17 pm working on making sure I have dotted all i's and crossed all t's....you go girl!

  3. Your message was perfect timing with my thoughts this morning. Disappointment and frustration ending today...can I say "I'm over it!". So lets toast to indviduals who respect and honor their committments.

  4. Well speaking from an organization who has taken to rewarding people for being accountable and keeping their comittments, I am totally with you. Our "The Buck Stop's Here" mentality is all about empowerment of our people, but holding them acountable at the same time. I really can say that we have noticed an increase level of responsivness and accountability that goes right along with what you are saying.

  5. RIGHT ON, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! We all do have choices, but BE CAREFUL you just might find yourself at a cross road with a decision to be made. Addressing unresponsiveness, calling people out, holding people accountable can be frustrating when you do not have the luxury of owning your own business. The ethical police, the enforcers with the high pay grades require commitment to hold people accountable. When this commitment is lacking, it is you that could end up with the negative label. Being a high achiever, at the top of the bell curve it is easily reconizable that the only choice is to take the high road when you reach that cross road. A wise person once said to me "YOU ARE WHAT YOU TOLERATE"!!!! YES, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!
