Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Your Reputation is Everything

In my upcoming book The Pied Piper Principle; Lead, and Your Business Will Follow, Your Reputation is Everything is one the principles. And, after all of the feedback I received from my last blog, “Enough is Enough!” I know my readers will easily relate to this one.

What do people think when they hear your name? What is the impression you leave behind? What do they say about you when you are not there? As you ponder these thoughts, do you smile inside knowing thoughts of you leave a favorable imprint? Or, do you somewhat cringe at what may be said when you are not around?

The dictionary’s definition of reputation is: “An overall quality of character as seen or judged by people in general”. Note the word judged. Although we strive to live a life without judgment we cannot hide from it. Every action we make is judged and forms our reputation.

So, fill in this blank: (Your Name) has earned a reputation of someone that (blank).

Could the blank be any of the following?
…is optimistic
…true to his word

Or, is it possible the blank is filled with some of these:
…is never on time
…breaks promises
…you can’t count on

As I write these words, I know what I want my reputation to be. But, that is looking forward into the future. Right now my reputation and yours is based on our past actions. Luckily we can change it…but it takes time.

From this moment forward, consider each interaction you have establishes and solidifies your reputation. Whether it is in person or over the phone, in email on or Facebook, every single move you make is the essence of who you are.

Here is a simple exercise that demonstrates just how powerful a reputation is. As you read each word below, think about the first person that pops into your head.


For each one of those words, I know the image of someone entered your mind. That is the impression you have of them which in turn represents their reputation.

What words do you want to be associated with? What description do you want attached to your name? Remember “Your Reputation is Everything”.

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