Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Truth, Trust and the Work Place

I had the opportunity to speak at Broward College this past Friday about Emotional Intelligence. On Saturday I addressed the College of Pharmacy Students at Nova Southeastern University on Trust. As I reflect back on both presentations, I was reminded of one of the principles in my book: The Pied Piper Principle; Lead, and They Will Follow:

Principle #45: Tell the truth

”A lesson we are taught from young: “Don’t lie or you will get into more trouble” or “I won’t get mad if you tell me the truth.” So, you work hard as a youngster to do as you are told and avoid lying. Then someone comes along and explains “the little white lie” and you now begin to operate with the new rules. You face a decision that requires falsifying information and you do it confidently, knowing that if you try real hard you will be able to fit it in under the “white lie” clause.

Then you learn the lesson of exaggeration. You are coached to “expand” your resume, “manipulate” the data and provide information on a “need to know” basis. And, all of a sudden the mere thought of telling the truth becomes foreign. It is strange to even consider. You enter negotiations knowing that everyone arrives in their dishonesty suit. It is acceptable to “fudge” the numbers, leave out certain facts in order to close the deal.

With all of this education on lying, it is hard to break the cycle. Unless – of course – you have integrity. You choose to do it different. You are even willing to announce to others that you don’t do it that way. You prefer the truth. It is simpler. There is no need to cover things up. They are what they are. Take it or leave it. Think of the consequences others eventually pay when lying. One guarantee of telling the truth, you will sleep easier at night.”

The more we hear of broken promises, fraud, and deceit, the greater the call of each of us to lead our lives with truth. Join with me in being a leader others want to follow by staying true to our word today, this week and on.

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