Friday, November 4, 2011

Have the simple pleasantries become a thing of the past?

How many times did you say "Please" and "Thank you" yesterday? Only when you felt it was deserved or every time you interacted with others? Have the simple pleasantries become a thing of the past?

As our society becomes more and more self-absorbed, we find less and less need to extend simple courtesies to one another. If we can't get the store clerk, waiter or ticket attendant to thank us for our business, we certainly can't expect a "Thanks" for opening a door, letting someone ahead in line or returning a dropped article to its owner.

Considering "Please" and "Thank you" were among some of the first words we were taught as a child, perhaps we should all go back to those days. The days when we said those two phrases all of the time because it was considered good manners - it was the right way to treat another.

Have the simple pleasantries become a thing of the past? Not if you start doing them again, with every memo or note that you write, every task or chore you assign and every customer you service. Yes, you can start today making a thing of the past come alive in the future.

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