Friday, January 31, 2014

Garbage in-Garbage out - Emptying the Head Trash in Your Mind

When computers were born there was much discussion regarding data.  The term “garbage in – garbage out” referred to the quality of the information being input.  The theory was if you entered bad information, you would yield bad results. Take that same philosophy and apply it to the things you think about every day. Are they focused on good thoughts or negative?

A good friend and colleague, Brian Norusis, introduced me to a concept he calls “Head Trash”. He and I agree that too often we allow negative thoughts or “Head Trash” to control our feelings which in turn affects our reaction to the circumstances we face daily.

The more I explored this idea the more I realized how it ties directly into our surroundings. The more Head Trash in – hearing horrific news stories, dealing with pessimistic people and reading negative press – the more our mind begins to process it as a truth. We become depressed, angry and unhappy.

Conversely neutralizing Head Trash by replacing it with uplifting articles, positive affirmations and upbeat people, the more energized we become.

Within the receptacle of your brain, you are the only one that can make a deposit. You are the only one in control of what you think about.  Disappointing circumstances may always be around the corner. It is the manner in which you process your thoughts that drives your reaction.

For once in your life be happy to take out the garbage and remove Head Trash before it starts to build up!


  1. Agree, that is reason I choose to be in Fish and Technology (not fish and chips) world, and do not pay attention match for political and other news (faced there are no positive news lately other than somebody born in some zoo).

  2. Right on. Keep surrounding yourself with all things positive.
